Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Facility

Dynatec provided the membrane system for a demonstration plant situated directly adjacent to the Anaheim, CA City Hall.  The system is designed to pump wastewater from a local sewer line, treat the wastewater for reuse, and return the waste activated sludge and screenings to the sewer line.Anaheim Case Study Photo 1

The DynaLift™ out-of-basin membrane system was selected because:

  • The high flux rates achieved by the DynaLift™ system allowed for a small footprint
  • High MLSS concentrations allows for smaller reactor tanks
  • The positive filtration achieved with MBR provides consistent high-quality dischargeSanitary Wastewater
  • The out-of-basin design allows for better demonstration of the technology
  • The membrane construction allows for high removal of bacteria and virus – demonstrated 5-log removal of bacteria and 4-log removal of virus.

The plant design is for two trains with the first train presently installed. The design flow of this plant is 75,000 gallons per day, and due to internal water uses, such as screen flushing, the net output of the final plant when fully installed will be 104,350 gallons per day. The recycled water is used for irrigation and toilet flushing within the requirements of California’s Title 22 Regulations.

Plant automation design allows for periodic operator attention only when equipment maintenance or chemical refilling is required.

Following treatment in the MBR, the effluent is further treated using ozone followed by UV for ozone destruction and chlorine addition at 1 mg/L to ensure no re-growth in the final effluent.

Due to the proximity of City Hall and the fact that the plant is in a highly populated area, a state-of-the-art odor control system was installed. With the standard Dynatec design odor control is not typically required.Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Facility

This is the first facility in California to use external MBR membranes, ozone and chlorination for water recycling. The use of decentralized wastewater treatment facilities is increasing and the City of Anaheim is in the forefront of this.


Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your wastewater reuse project.


MBR for Cereal Manufacturer

MBR for Major Cereal Manufacturer

Dynatec provides a turnkey wastewater solution for a food manufacturing wastewater process.

The problem
A major cereal manufacturing plant needed to upgrade their treatment process. MBR was selected, and the company was about one month away from entering into a contract with a major MBR supplier of submerged hollow fiber membrane bioreactors. The cereal manufacturer has had chronic problems in procuring wastewater treatment systems that were able to meet required treatment levels.Industrial Membrane Bioreactors

Dynatec was invited to offer a proposal based upon our previous experience and successful implementation of membrane bioreactor systems in the food industry. Specifically, Dynatec had previously installed a  MBR system at another cereal manufacturing plant, which was operating without problems.

The Solution
When the two MBR systems were evaluated, Dynatec was selected. Reasons for selection were Dynatec’s experience with industrial wastewater, Dynatec’s record of success with other industrial MBR projects in the industry, lower cost and simpler operation.

The system had one major requirement. It had to provide reliable operation without a long process of evaluating problems and making changes to the system. For this reason, the  MBR process was used for its very reliable simple operation. A DAF was also provided by Dynatec ahead of the MBR system to remove solids and some BOD.
DAF effluent enters the MBR system for biological treatment and removal of solids. Some of the MBR effluent is reused on site for irrigation and other non-process uses. The other portion of MBR effluent is sent to a reverse osmosis system also provided by Dynatec. The RO effluent is used for cooling towers and other non-food reuse applications within the plant.
Dynatec was also engaged to install the system at the customer’s facility.

Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your wastewater application.

PFAS Removal from wastewater

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, is a group of thousands of synthetic chemicals that were used for decades in the manufacturing of many consumer goods like waterproof clothing, non-stick pans, stain resistant fabrics, food packaging, and in industries like paper and cardboard manufacturing, metal plating, wire manufacturing, plastic manufacturing, and many other applications.

PFASS Removal from wastewater

While providing desired characteristics to the many products in which they were used, PFAS chemicals have been tied to various negative health effects. Also of concern is the fact that they are very stable and break down very slowly in nature. PFAS chemicals are found in the environment and in the bloodstreams of people all over the world.

Dynatec has provided systems to remove PFAS from industrial wastewater to customers across the country and has dozens of systems in operation. While there are other technologies in various stages of development, there are two proven technologies for removing PFAS from industrial wastewater: carbon and reverse osmosis (RO). Dynatec has used both granular activated carbon (GAC) and RO for PFAS removal and we can help with the selection of treatment technology for a given application.PFAS Removal - Reverse osmosis

Landfills are a major accumulation location for PFAS as most of the PFAS laden products ultimately end up there. As the leader in landfill leachate treatment, Dynatec Systems has vast experience in treating complex, high strength wastewater and removing PFAS from these wastewater streams. With discharge limits shrinking across the country to single digit parts per trillion (ppt) for some of the most common PFAS compounds like PFOS and PFOA, most of our customers have non-detect levels of nearly all of the tested PFAS chemicals, even where the raw wastewater or leachate has individual PFAS compound concentrations of 3,000 to 5,000ppt or more.

We can design a system to meet any discharge requirement.

Please contact us today to discuss your PFAS removal needs.

Brewery Reuse System

Brewery reuse system consists of a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) system.  The brewery produces high strength wastewater with COD > 8,000mg/L.  An anaerobic digester ahead of the MBR, produces gas for heat and power generation. The wastewater then goes to the MBR and RO producing high-quality water that is suitable for reuse in brewery operations. The RO reject is combined with a portion of the MBR permeate to manage total TDS concentrations so it can be discharged to the sewer.

Complete wastewater purification and reuse systems 

  • Cooling tower makeup
  • Irrigation (especially applicable to wineries)
  • Boiler feed
  • Cleaning and other plant processes

    Brewery, Distillery and Winery

    Containerized MBR for distillery

Brewery, distillery and winery wastewater treatment solutions 

  • Ultrafilter (UF) for removal of non-soluble contaminants
  • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) 
  • Conversion of existing biological systems to MBR
    • To expand capacity
    • To improve effluent quality
  • MBR for treatment and wastewater reuse
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) for high purity wastewater reuse
  • MBR for biological treatment

Contaminants Removed

  • Suspended Solids
  • Alcohol
  • Sugars
  • Ammonia
  • Phosphorous
  • Copper
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
  • Dissolved Solids 
  • Acids
  • Phenol

Technology Benefits – Membrane Separation System Using Tubular UF membranes

  • Simple mechanical processBrewery reuse system
  • Consistently high-quality water produced
  • Ability to reuse purified water
  • Low operating costs
  • Unattended operation
  • Skidded components reduce space requirements
  • Ability to remotely monitor and control
  • Cell phone and iPad compatible

The MBR configuration has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters when treatment efficiency is an important consideration.

The MBR is the ideal bioreactor configuration for treatment of organic or inorganic contaminants present in industrial wastewaters. MBRs operate at a higher efficiency while achieving consistent design performance objectives. This makes MBR a more cost effective method of treatment when performance and tank requirements are considered.

Bioreactor systems such as the conventional activated sludge system, sequencing batch reactor system and trickling filters are typically designed for operation at a lower volumetric removal rate, requiring larger tanks and more space. These conventional systems often experience upsets that inhibit settling and therefore require much more operator attention than a membrane bioreactor.

The MBR has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters because it is less susceptible to upsets. The MBR’s performance is not affected by changes in sludge settleability like the conventional systems, making MBR a wise choice for industrial systems that have more difficult to treat waste streams. Dynatec has over 42 years experience in dealing with difficult to treat industrial wastewaters using membrane filtration.

MBR for transmissivity improvement

MBR for transmissivity improvement – Dynatec provided a low pressure nanofiltration (NF) system to remove humic and fulvic acid to improve the transmissivity (UVT) of treated water discharge.  The NF system also minimizes the reject volume making the membrane approach practical.

Demands for development of membranes with specific performance continue to increase as water quality requirements tighten and water treatment system designs become more complex.  

Where UV is employed for disinfection the requirement for transmissivity improvement has become important at many facilities.

The NF membrane typically rejects only larger polyvalent cations and anions and as a result produces a very small volume of reject.

MBR for transmissivity

Nanofiltration systems are typically used for:

  • Color removal from surface water sources including removal of disinfection precursors
  • Retention of humic and fulvic acids in landfill leachate to improve UV transmissivity
  • Pharmaceutical solvent recovery and management
  • Removal of tar compounds in petroleum industry
  • Separation of blood compounds in medicine
  • Water softening

Dynatec specializes in extensive industrial reverse osmosis (RO) membrane systems and nanofiltration (NF) membrane systems to remove soluble components of wastewater that may not have been removed by primary treatment. In most cases, the purified water can be reused.

RO is capable of rejecting soluble constituents of aqueous streams, such as:

  • BacteriaMBR for transmissivity improvement
  • Salts
  • Sugars
  • Proteins
  • A wide range of organics and colors
  • Improves the color, taste and properties of the fluid

This process is commonly used to purify water and remove salts and other impurities. It can be used to purify fluids such as ethanol, which will pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, while rejecting other ions and contaminants from passing.


Industrial Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration systems

The most common use for reverse osmosis is in purifying water. It is used to produce water that meets the most demanding specifications. This differs significantly from other RO systems that are often only designed to treat potable water. Our system is specifically designed to accommodate:

  • Minimize reject volume
  • Variable characteristics
  • Minimize fouling

RO and NF Technology

RO uses a membrane that is semi-permeable, allowing the fluid that is being purified to pass through it, while rejecting the contaminants that remain. Most NF and RO systems are operated in crossflow to allow the membrane to continually clean itself.

Integrated clean-in-place (CIP)

The membrane skid has an integrated CIP system on the skid. This is especially important for wastewater reuse systems because the cleaning frequency of the skid is often higher than in other RO applications. With an integrated CIP system, cleaning is fast and easy, minimizing the operator’s time.

For more information on nanofiltration, please contact us today.

Tubular UF MBR system for dairy wastewater

Tubular UF MBR system was a conversion of an existing extended air system.   An existing bioreactor is also being utilized.  The capacity of the existing bioreactor was doubled with an increase in the mixed liquor solids concentration and an upgrade of the fine bubble aeration to slot injector aeration.  

Membrane Bioreactors

Membrane bioreactors offer a unique and effective solution for the treatment and reuse of industrial wastewater in industries such as landfills, automotive, aerostructures, distilleries and dairies. Our industry-leading designs and innovation also deliver superior performance for sanitary wastewater and biological nutrient removal applications.

The MBR configuration has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters when treatment efficiency is an important consideration.

The MBR is the ideal bioreactor configuration for treatment of organic or inorganic contaminants present in industrial wastewaters. MBRs operate at a higher efficiency while achieving consistent design performance objectives. This makes MBR a more cost effective method of treatment when performance and tank requirements are considered.

Bioreactor systems such as the conventional activated sludge system, sequencing batch reactor system and trickling filters are typically designed for operation at a lower volumetric removal rate, requiring larger tanks and more space. These conventional systems often experience upsets that inhibit settling and therefore require much more operator attention than a membrane bioreactor.

The MBR has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters because it is less susceptible to upsets. The MBR’s performance is not affected by changes in sludge settleability like the conventional systems, making MBR a wise choice for industrial systems that have more difficult to treat waste streams. Dynatec has over 42 years experience in dealing with difficult to treat industrial wastewaters using membrane filtration.


Tubular UF MBR system

For more information on tubular UF MBR system, please contact us today.


Chemical Manufacturer

Chemical manufacturer needed a wastewater treatment plant capable of producing high-quality permeate from raw wastewater.   They had high concentrations of oil and grease, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Dynatec designed and manufactured a system including an Ultrafilter (UF) to removed Oil & Grease (O&G) and TSS.  An MBR to further treat BOD and COD. The permeate is free of O&G, TSS, and BOD, while COD is greatly reduced. The system was designed so future expansion is easily achieved.

Chemical wastewater treatment utilizing membrane systems that range from selective separation of product to wastewater treatment and reuse.  Dynatec Systems has provided many different chemical wastewater solutions.

Chemical Manufacturer Wastewater Treatment Solutions

  • Ultrafiltration (UF), Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for selective separation of product for recovery
  • MBR biological treatment
  • Wastewater reuse with MBR
  • Conversions of existing systems to MBR
    • Expand existing bioreactor treatment capacity
    • Improve discharge quality
    • Produce water for reuse
    • Reduce surcharge
  • High purity reuse with MBR and RO

Contaminants Removed

  • Organics
  • Inorganic solids
  • Phenol
  • Solvents
  • Oils
  • Acids

Ultrafiltration offers the following advantages over conventional separation:

  • No chemical required
  • Very little labor required
  • Simple mechanical process
  • Less sludge
  • Ability to concentrate the retentate for beneficial use
  • Less space required
  • Overall lower operating costs

Dynatec specializes in extensive RO and NF membrane systems to remove soluble components of wastewater that may not have been removed by primary treatment. In most cases, the purified water can be reused.

RO is capable of rejecting soluble constituents of aqueous streams, such as:

  • BacteriaChemical Manufacturer
  • Salts
  • Sugars
  • Proteins
  • A wide range of organics and colors
  • Improves the color, taste and properties of the fluid

RO can be used to purify fluids such as ethanol, which will pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, while rejecting other ions and contaminants from passing.

RO/NF systems

The most common use for reverse osmosis is in purifying water. It is used to produce water that meets the most demanding specifications. This differs significantly from other RO systems that are often only designed to treat potable water. Our system is specifically designed to accommodate:

  • Minimize reject volume
  • Variable characteristics
  • Minimize fouling

RO and NF Technology

RO uses a membrane that is semi-permeable, allowing the fluid that is being purified to pass through it, while rejecting the contaminants that remain. Most NF and RO systems are operated in crossflow to allow the membrane to continually clean itself.

Integrated clean-in-place (CIP)

The membrane skid has an integrated CIP system on the skid. This is especially important for wastewater reuse systems because the cleaning frequency of the skid is often higher than in other RO applications. With an integrated CIP system, cleaning is fast and easy, minimizing the operator’s time.

Tubular Configuration:

  • Higher permeate rate
  • Lower rates of fouling
  • Higher concentration of retentate
  • Easier to clean
  • Longer membrane life
  • Low operating cost

Landfill leachate treatment system

Landfill leachate treatment system for a hazardous waste landfill incorporates heavy metals pretreatment followed by a tubular MBR system

The MBR reduces:

  • ammonia
  • phenol
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
  • chemical oxygen demand (COD)
  • volatiles and semi-volatiles
  • and other contaminants adequately for discharge  

The system reduces PFAS 30-60% and carbon is utilized to reduce PFAS to low ppt concentrations.

Landfill leachate treatment systems with Membrane Bioreactors (MBR)s have developed many unique process improvements for industrial wastewater applications. Dynatec successfully uses Ultrafiltration (UF), MBR and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for landfill leachate applications.

Landfill leachate treatment requirements

Treatment can vary, depending on the discharge requirements, and the contaminants present

Landfill leachate is characterized by:landfill leachate treatment system

  • High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Heavy metals
  • High BOD
  • Color
  • High COD
  • High ammonia

Landfill leachate treatment systems options

The MBR option: an aerated biological mixed liquor process operating at very high solids concentrations. 

The advantages are:

  • Long sludge age produces a well acclimated biomass. High concentration (typically 12,000 to 20,000 mg/l) provides very high rates of reaction
  • Excellent nitrification and de-nitrification
  • Smaller footprint then conventional aerated systems
  • High-quality effluent as a result of using membranes for final clarification
  • Lower sludge production than conventional systems

Typical MBR results in landfills: 

Parameter BOD COD TSS Ammonia
Influent 500 4000 150 1000
Effluent <5 800 <5 <1
% Removal >99% 80% >96% >99%

The system produces bio-sludge, which can either be dewatered for disposal, or disposed of as a liquid sludge.

Alternative landfill leachate treatment options: 

  • Chemical precipitation of metals before MBR treatment
  • RO after MBR treatment removes organic and inorganic contaminants, and color
  • UF followed by RO

The two effluent streams from a RO system are:

  • Permeate
  • Concentrate (or reject)

This can be re-injected into the landfill.  Its long-term effects on leachate concentrations should be considered.


The MBR process provides the highest possible levels of organic removal with essentially zero suspended solids in the effluent. This is the ideal feed system for RO treatment.

RO permeate can be used for other non-potable purposes:

  • Irrigation
  • Truck washing
  • Dust control

Dynatec membrane treatment systems have successfully provided outstanding performance in many landfill leachate applications. Considerations for this technology include:

  • Membrane treatment offers reliable, consistent landfill leachate 
  • Systems are highly cost effective, and require low levels of operator interface
  • The best membrane system configuration for each application should be individually evaluated
  • Membrane treatment is broadly applied in the US and abroad

Landfill leachate treatment system

For more information on landfill leachate treatment systems, please contact us today.

Wastewater Treatment System

Wastewater treatment systemWastewater treatment system for an aerostructures manufacturer provided by Dynatec Systems.  The system removes heavy metals and produces water for reuse.  Dynatec Systems also provided a double pass reverse osmosis (RO) system to produce low conductivity/low Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) water (less than 3mg/l) for the metal finishing process in lieu of a deionizing system. The RO system was much more cost effective in processing the relatively high TDS water supply.

Dynatec specializes in extensive reverse osmosis (RO) membrane systems and nanofiltration (NF) membrane systems to remove soluble components of wastewater that may not have been removed by primary treatment. In most cases, the purified water can be reused.

RO is capable of rejecting soluble constituents of aqueous streams, such as:

  • Bacteria
  • Salts
  • Sugars
  • Proteins
  • A wide range of organics and colors
  • Improves the color, taste and properties of the fluid

This process is commonly used to purify water and remove salts and other impurities. It can be used to purify fluids such as ethanol, which will pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, while rejecting other ions and contaminants from passing.

Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration systems

The most common use for reverse osmosis is in purifying water. It is used to produce water that meets the most demanding specifications. This differs significantly from other RO systems that are often only designed to treat potable water. Our system is specifically designed to accommodate:

  • Minimize reject volume
  • Variable characteristics
  • Minimize fouling

For more information on a wastewater treatment system to remove heavy metals and produce water for reuse, please contact us today.

Textile biological treatment system

A textile biological treatment system needed to upgrade the performance of their existing wastewater treatment system. They wanted to reuse the majority of their wastewater.  This created the need for a robust system that will produce purified water for reuse.  Dynatec was selected to provide the ultrafiltration (UF) components of the MBR.  Out-of-basin membranes were the ideal choice.

Membranes consistently produce high-quality effluent.  The presence of pigments were problematic for other alternatives.  The Dynatec MBR UF system was pilot tested and demonstrated consistent performance providing the high-quality permeate required.

The MBR effluent, now free of suspended solids and most of the organic load, is then processed through a RO system for further purification.  The Dynatec MBR system, using tubular out-of-basin membranes, permits operation at high MLSS and produces lower chemical oxygen demand (COD) results thereby reducing the organic fouling at the downstream RO system. 

The system capacity more than doubled employing existing aeration tanks with an upgrade to the aeration.  Qualitative treatment results also improved.  The project cost was less than the cost to expand the plant as a conventional biological plant with the addition of another bioreactor and clarifier.

Textile biological treatment system

Textile wastewater treatment systems have been provided by Dynatec Systems for numerous  facilities. The treatment method chosen depends greatly on the specific characteristics of a plant’s wastewater and the discharge requirements or wastewater reuse applications within the plant.

Textile Biological Treatment Systems Technology BenefitsTextile Biological Treatment System

  • Consistent high-quality water
  • Easy maintenance avoids labor costs and regulations
  • Minimal operator intervention required
  • Reduced sludge disposal costs
  • Brine recovery saves on processing cost
  • Simple mechanical process

Textile Wastewater Treatment Systems Solutions

  • Separation of specific components in the wastewater
  • Ultrafiltration (UF) for pigment separation
  • Ultrafiltration (UF) for size separation and reuse
  • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment and discharge
  • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for wastewater purification and reuse

Contaminants Removed:

  • Heavy metals
  • Suspended solids
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • Phosphorous
  • Colloidal material
  • Pigments
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
  • Inorganic solids separation

Ultrafiltration offers the following advantages over conventional separation:

  • No chemical required
  • Very little labor required
  • Simple mechanical process
  • Less sludge
  • Ability to concentrate the retentate for beneficial use
  • Less space required
  • Overall lower operating costs

Tubular Configuration:

  • Higher permeate rate
  • Lower rates of fouling
  • Higher concentration of retentate
  • Easier to clean
  • Longer membrane life
  • Low operating cost

For more information on wastewater reuse, please contact us today.

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