Dynatec has delivered a thousand membrane systems that are used in a broad variety of applications. Our extensive experience has proved to be an invaluable asset to many manufacturers in need of wastewater treatment. The list below is a partial list of the applications with which Dynatec has experience and expertise. The list is not a complete representation of our experience. If you don’t see anything that exactly matches your application, please reach out to us to discuss.
- Adhesive Manufacturing Wash Water
- Aerobearings manufacturer
- Aerostructures Group
- Air Compressor Blowdown
- Aircraft Components Manufacturer
- Aircraft Deicing Fluid Recovery
- Alkaline Cleaner Bath Recovery
- Alkaline Wash Water
- Aluminum Casting
- Aluminum Die-Casting
- Aluminum Extrusion
- Aluminum Plant Waste Rolling Emulsion
- Apartment Complex-Water Reuse
- Aqueous Parts Washer Solutions
- Auto Parts Manufacturer
- Automotive Assembly Plant
- Automotive Engine Plant
- Automotive for Reuse
- Automotive Transmission Plant
- Bearing Company
- Bilge Water Treatment
- BOD/COD Reduction
- Bottled Water Manufacturer
- Brewery Waste
- Cafeteria Waste
- Candy Manufacturing Wash Water
- Central Waste Treatment Plants
- Cereal Manufacturer-Scrubber waste for Reuse
- Cheese Processing Wastewater
- Chemical Manufacturer
- Color Removal
- Commercial Heat Treatment
- Commercial Wastewater Treatment
- Commercial Water Treatment
- Condiment Production Wastewater
- Construction Equipment Washing
- Containerized Systems
- Corrugated Box Flexographic Ink and Starch Wash
- Cosmetic Manufacturer
- County Septic Waste Treatment Facility
- Crayon Manufacturing Ink Wash Water
- Cutting, Grinding and Stamping Fluids
- Dairy Production Wastewater
- De-Icing Fluid Recovery
- Drawing Emulsions
- Drum Reconditioning Wash Water
- Ecologically Sensitive Wetlands
- Egg Processing
- Electronic Ceramics
- Electroplating Rinse Water
- Engine Block Die-Casting
- Engine Manufacturer
- Ethanol Plant
- Fish Processing Wash Water
- Floor Scrubber and Floor Washing
- Food Processing Wastewater
- Food Waste
- Forge Wastewater
- Foundry Wastewater
- Fuel System Components
- Glass Bottle Manufacturing Mold Release Oil and Water
- Glass Grinding Wastewater
- Glass Labels Wash Water
- Glycol Recovery System
- Golf Course Irrigation
- Ground Water Discharge
- Ground Water Remediation
- Ham Processing Plant
- Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility
- Heavy Metals Removal
- Housing Development
- Industrial Laundries Wash and Rinse Water
- Juice Bottler
- Landfill Leachate Treatment
- Latex Manufacturing Wash and Rinse Water
- Locomotive Repair and Rebuild Shops
- Manure Wastewater
- Meat Packing Water Reuse
- Meat Processing Wash Water
- Metal Press/Stamping Lubricants
- Metal Working Machining and Grinding Waste
- Metals Finishing Wash Water
- Municipal Wastewater MBR
- Newspaper Flexographic Ink Wastewater
- Non-prescription Pharmaceutical Plant
- Non-Woven Fabric Latex Wastewater
- Oil and Gas Treatment and Recovery
- Oil Refinery
- Oily Wastewater Recovery
- Organic Chemical Manufacturing Wastewater
- Organic-Bearing Water Streams
- Paint Company
- Paper Mill
- Paper Tissue Plant
- Parking Lot Run-off Oil/Water Separation
- Pasta Production Wastewater
- PCB Removal
- Pharmaceutical Packaging Wash Water
- Phosphatizing Solutions and Rinses
- Phosphorus Removal
- Plastic Bag Printing
- Plastic Recycling Wastewater
- Poultry Processing Wastewater
- Power
- Precious Metals Recovery Wastewater
- Pressure Washer Wash Water
- Printed Circuit Board Rinse Water
- Process, Wash and Rinse Water
- Process Wastewater for Reuse
- Railroad Vehicle Wash Water
- Recovery of Synthetic Coolants
- Resort Area
- Retirement Home Sanitary Waste
- Rolling Mill Emulsions
- Salt Removal
- Sanitary Landfills
- Sanitary Upgrade
- Sanitary Wastewater Treatment
- Sausage Production Wastewater
- SBR Upgrade
- School-Sanitary System
- Septage Treatment Plant
- Sewer Mining Project for Irrigation
- Shoe Polish Manufacturer
- Spent Metalworking Coolants
- Steam Cleaning and Pressure Washing
- Steel Can Wash and Rinse Water
- Steel Mill Oily Waste
- Steel Mill Phenol Recovery
- Sugar Substitute Plant
- Tank Cleaning Facility
- Tank Truck Wash Operations
- Textile Brine Concentration
- Textile Sizing Recovery
- Textile Wastewater Treatment
- Thermophilic Bio-Solids Clarification
- Tire Manufacturer
- Tissue Mill Wastewater Recycling
- Titanium Recovery Plant
- Transit Authority Vehicle Wash and Maintenance Water
- Truck Wash Water
- Utility Power Plant Oily Process Water
- Vehicle Repair Facilities Wash Water\
- Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Shops
- Vehicle Wash Shops
- Vibratory Finishing, Deburring and Burnishing
- Vitamin Residuals
- Water Based Printing Press Wash
- Wash and Rinse Recovery
- Wash and Rinse Water from Chemical Processes
- Waste Machining Coolant
- Water Base Ink Printing Wash Water