Food and beverage wastewater applications in a manufacturing process. When Dynatec is presented with these wastewater applications, we ask the question, “What is the best process to provide the simplest, most cost effective solution to the wastewater treatment process?” Instead of providing a simple treatment process to solve the immediate needs of the wastewater treatment, Dynatec offers solutions to integrate the treatment process into the facilities operation to improve the entire system. This approach has led us to provide innovative treatment solutions in many processes.

 Ultrafiltration Systems

In the industry, DAF systems are widely used to remove insoluble BOD and solids from the wastewater to meet industrial pretreatment requirements. In some cases, an ultrafilter can be much more cost effective than a DAF. The membrane process requires no process chemicals for coagulation and flocculation of the solids, like those used in DAF systems. Ultrafilters also eliminate the need to perform jar testing. The system operates automatically and is unattended by an operator except for periodic cleanings, usually every couple of weeks, and provides consistent high quality, solids free water.

Dynatec is capable of evaluating the application and recommending an ultrafiltration system if it will provide a cost effective and low maintenance solution.

 Membrane Bioreactors for treatment and reuse

MBR is often the best choice when biological treatment is required. The MBR systems provided by Dynatec offer automatic unattended operation. The systems provide high-quality effluent that may be reused in for some applications. When high-quality reuse water is required, for operations such as cooling towers, a reverse osmosis system treats the MBR effluent to remove dissolved solids. If RO quality water is required for the project, an MBR is always the best choice of biological treatment.

 Waste Stream Concentration

Your wastewater may be someone else’s lunch. Sometimes the best solution is to take advantage of the wastewater component instead of removing it. Dynatec provides systems to concentrate waste streams in food plants to be used for animal feed. This type of beneficial reuse normally involves concentrating streams containing soluble sugars with reverse osmosis membrane systems.

Dynatec has the products and experience to provide wastewater solutions in the food manufacturing industry for treatment and reuse.

Some of the food plant solutions that we provide are:

Food and beverage

Solutions Provided

Contaminants Removed

For more information on, please contact us today.

Your Partner for Industrial Wastewater

Dynatec is an industry leader in providing membrane bioreactors and wastewater membrane
systems since 1978 in industrial and municipal applications.

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