Paint Manufacturer Reuses Latex

A paint manufacturer engaged Dynatec to provide a system to separate latex from wastewater and reuse it in the production of paint

The Problem

The company was using a chemically assisted, rotary drum vacuum pre-coat filter that was expensive to operate and created a lot of sludge which was expensive to dispose.

The Solution

The white paint wastewater was segregated from the colors, andPaint manufacturer uses ultrafilter to remove latex processed separately. The concentrate of white latex solids were used in the manufacture of new white paint.

The paint solids from the colored paints can be concentrated to as high as 20% (typical paint contains between 45% and 55% solids) using wide channel ultrafiltration. The paint solids are concentrated and reused to make a grey paint. The water can be discharged to sewer, since it contains no solids, or it can be reused as wash water.

Special circulation pumps are also used to handle the high solids loadings.

Return on investment

The return on investment was high. The latex from the white paint wastewater is reused in the production process for manufacture of new paint. The paint solids from the colored paint wastewater is recovered as a saleable low quality paint product. The cost for disposal of the solids removed by the old chemical treatment system has been reduced by 90%. The wastewater from both processes is discharged to sewer.


Significant Savings:

 No sludge

 Beneficial use for latex

 Water quality for discharge is better

 Much less operator time

 No chemicals

Ultrafiltration excels at the clarification of solutions containing:

 Suspended solids

 Bacteria

 High concentrations of macromolecules including:

 Oil and water

 Fruit juice

 Milk

 Latex

 Whey

 Electro-coat paints

 Pharmaceuticals

 Poly-vinyl alcohol

 Potable water

 Tertiary wastewater

 Some proteins

 Some dyes

 Oils

 Colloidal or emulsified components

Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your wastewater solution!


Reuse Water in Juice Plant

Reuse water ability in a new treatment system was needed in a juice processing company for other plant processes. The high strength wastewater, with a COD of 16,000mg/L, needed to meet stringent effluent criteria to make this possible.

Reuse Water

Reuse water in juice plant

The solution, provided by Dynatec, includes a membrane bioreactor (MBR) followed by a double pass reverse osmosis (RO) system. The permeate meets all limits for BOD, COD, metals, TSS, and TDS.

Reuse water systems have been provided by Dynatec Systems to many industries. The ability to recover and reuse water has many benefits.

  • Saving on water costs
  • Saving on wastewater disposal charges
  • Decreased environmental impact
  • Protection from regulatory changes
  • Decrease dependence on water provider/source
  • Ability to expand without affecting water demand
  • Overcome water scarcity issues
  • Consistently high-quality for water reuse

Ultrafiltration (UF), Membrane Bioreactor (MBR), Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) are employed by Dynatec for water reuse projects. Water recovery and water reuse has been successfully implemented with industrial and sanitary wastewater streams for:

  • Cooling tower make up
  • Boiler feed
  • Irrigation
  • Toilet flushing
  • Direct potable reuse
  • Cleaning/wash applications
  • Rinse processes
  • Painting processes
  • Other plant processes

Reuse water systems provided by Dynatec Systems: 

  • Resorts, hotels, and retirement homes
  • Golf courses
  • Automotive companies
  • Food and beverage companies
  • Apartment buildings
  • Landfills
  • Mines
  • Metal finishing plants
  • Aerospace companies

For more information, please contact us today.



Sanitary Wastewater Expansion

Sanitary wastewater expansion of a previously supplied MBR by Dynatec Systems for a mall was recently completed. The original system treated the sanitary wastewater generated at the mall and wastewater from several restaurants on the property. Recent changes at the mall, including the addition of residential units, resulted in greater wastewater volumes. The expansion was relatively fast and easy due to the modular nature of Dynatec’s UF skids. The permeate meets all requirements for direct discharge to the environment and the compact design fits the limited space available at the mall.

Sanitary Wastewater expansionSanitary wastewater expansion








Sanitary wastewater from private communities, industrial and academic campuses, resorts, and various other facilities can be treated to meet discharge permit limits or to meet reuse standards. Dynatec provides systems that accomplish this in a small space and with low operating costs.Sanitary Wastewater

Membrane bioreactor (MBR) solutions provided

  • Plant expansion
  • Improved effluent quality
  • Purification for direct discharge
  • Existing plant upgrades
  • Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to MBR conversions
  • Wastewater reuse for:
    • Cooling tower
    • Boiler
    • Toilet flushing
    • Irrigation applications
  • Recovery and reuse of wastewater for:
    • Apartment buildings
    • Industrial campuses
    • Academic campuses
    • Hotels and resorts
    • Golf courses
  • Compact wastewater treatment systems
  • Containerized/mobile sanitary treatment systems
  • Water mining systems

Significant Benefits

  • Lower energy cost allows operation in larger plants
  • Robust tubular membranes reduce replacement cost
  • High mixed liquor concentration reduces tankage required and higher treated water quality
  • Small system footprint
  • Easily expandable
  • Safe automatic clean-in-place system protects operators
  • Predictable, consistently high performance
  • Remote monitoring – compatible with cell phone or iPad

Contaminants removed from sanitary wastewater

  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • Oils and Grease (O&G)
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Ammonia
  • Total N
  • Fecal Coliforms

Completely sealed within tough, protective vessels, the membranes never move

  • Permanently sealed design
  • Rigidly supported tubular membrane prevents breakage
  • No odors or smells
  • Automatic cleaning systems
  • No exposure to waste or mixed liquor above tanks

When you need consistently high-quality effluent, consider Dynatec Systems’ MBR wastewater treatment systems. You can lower your capital and operating costs with a single, compact system requiring minimal operator attention.

For more information on sanitary wastewater expansion, please contact Dynatec to discuss.

Anaerobic digester and aerobic MBR followed by RO for whiskey manufacturer

Anaerobic digester and aerobic MBR followed by RO provided by Dynatec Systems.  A whiskey manufacturer needed a wastewater treatment system to reduce very high organic content BOD and COD.  As well as, solids content TSS of the wastewater stillage to achieve the demanding final treated water discharge standards.  A membrane filter is used for pretreatment prior to the anaerobic system.  The tubular membrane filter employed with the biological system is not dependent on the settling characteristics and produces very high-quality effluent.

The equipment was containerized to make the implementation as easy as possible.

Membrane bioreactors offer a unique and effective solution for the treatment and reuse of industrial wastewater in industries such as landfills, automotive, aerostructures, distilleries and dairies. Our industry-leading designs and innovation also deliver superior performance for sanitary wastewater and biological nutrient removal applications.

The MBR configuration has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters when treatment efficiency is an important consideration.

The MBR is the ideal bioreactor configuration for treatment of organic or inorganic contaminants present in industrial wastewaters. MBRs operate at a higher efficiency while achieving consistent design performance objectives. This makes MBR a more cost effective method of treatment when performance and tank requirements are considered.

Bioreactor systems such as the conventional activated sludge system, sequencing batch reactor system and trickling filters are typically designed for operation at a lower volumetric removal rate, requiring larger tanks and more space. These conventional systems often experience upsets that inhibit settling and therefore require much more operator attention than a membrane bioreactor.

The MBR has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters because it is less susceptible to upsets. The MBR’s performance is not affected by changes in sludge settleability like the conventional systems, making MBR a wise choice for industrial systems that have more difficult to treat waste streams. Dynatec has over 42 years experience in dealing with difficult to treat industrial wastewaters using membrane filtration.

Anaerobic digester and aerobic MBR followed by RO for whiskey manufacturer

For more information on anaerobic digester and aerobic membrane bioreactor followed by reverse osmosis, please contact us today.

Ultrafiltration for egg processing

Ultrafiltration for egg processing

High protein content from the egg causes the BOD of wastewater from an egg processing plant to be high. The conventional approach is to treat the wastewater biologically, either aerobically or anaerobically. Both systems are expensive both to purchase and operate.


Tubular Ultrafiltration alone will reduce the BOD of the wastewater from an egg processing plant 94% on average. This simple filtration process mechanically separates the egg from the water and produces a concentrate of egg and water that can be processed by a renderer inexpensively.

97% of the filtered water purified by the Ultrafilter can be discharged to sewer.

Egg processing


  • Lower capital cost compared to the alternatives
  • Much lower operating costs compared to the alternatives
  • Simple mechanical system
  • Less space required
  • Permeate acceptable for Municipal sewer discharge
  • Low cost for disposal of residual egg concentrate

Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your wastewater solution


Dynatec Systems industry-leading tubular ultrafiltration (UF) system is used to treat a broad range of industrial wastewater by separating insoluble components from waste streams. As a cost effective and simple solution for separating insoluble components and colloidal contaminants from a waste stream, wastewater UF offers significant advantages over conventional separation. It is a useful process that does not require chemicals or much space to separate insoluble contaminants.

UF is a pressure-driven process that removes the following from wastewater and other solutions:

  • Emulsified oils
  • Metal hydroxides
  • Colloids
  • Emulsions
  • Dispersed material
  • Suspended solids
  • Other large molecular-weight materials

Ultrafiltration systems are also capable of concentrating:

  • Bacteria
  • Some proteins
  • Some dyes
  • Colloidal or emulsified components

Ultrafiltration systems excels at the clarification of solutions containing:

  • Suspended solids
  • Bacteria
  • High concentrations of macromolecules including:
    • Oil and water
    • Fruit juice
    • Milk
    • Whey
    • Electro-coat paints
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Poly-vinyl alcohol and indigo
    • Potable water
    • Tertiary wastewater

Ultrafiltration offers the following advantages over conventional separation:

  • No chemical required
  • Very little labor required
  • Simple mechanical process
  • Less sludge
  • Ability to concentrate the retentate for beneficial use
  • Less space required
  • Overall lower operating costs

Tubular Configuration:

  • Higher permeate rate
  • Lower rates of fouling
  • Higher concentration of retentate
  • Easier to clean
  • Longer membrane life
  • Low operating cost

For more information on using ultrafilter (UF) for your application, please contact us today.

MBR Leachate Treatment System

Prior to employing the Dynatec MBR leachate treatment system, the landfill was hauling all of their leachate. In 2010, the facility spent over $4,500,000 hauling 10,350 truckloads of raw leachate.

The landfill leachate was pumped from four different pump stations each with a different landfill contributory area. Analysis of the historical data showed the size of the contributory area and age of the landfill area played significant roles in flow and leachate quality. A few historical trends were identified and used to predict flows in a future landfill development scenario.MBR Leachate Treatment System

The MBR leachate treatment system was designed for the peak nitrification requirements of the influent. A large SRT (solids retention time) was selected to target the slowly biodegradable COD found in leachate due to long chain organic molecules that are more difficult to remove.

The system was designed with flexibility in mind. The MLSS can be increased to 20,000 mg/L in the system without affecting the oxygen transfer efficiency thanks to the jet aeration system selected, which enables the long SRT.

Dynatec’s industrial MBR is the ideal bioreactor configuration for treatment of organic or inorganic contaminants present in industrial wastewaters. MBR’s operate at a higher efficiency while achieving consistent design performance objectives. This makes MBR a more cost effective method of industrial wastewater treatment when performance and tank requirements are considered.

Industrial Membrane Bioreactors Benefits:

  • Higher flux
  • Lower costs
  • Better membranes
  • Improved permeate quality
  • Less operator attention and maintenance

Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your landfill leachate treatment system.

A Clear Look at Reuse Systems

A Clear Look at Reuse Systems

Dynatec’s Tom Doherty had a great article published in the November 2021 issue of Water Environment & Technology (WE&T) Operations & Engineering magazine. 


Dynatec has completed over a hundred wastewater purification and reuse systems for industry and for sanitary waste. To begin, there needs to be a detailed characterization of the wastewater along with a detailed characterization of the requirements for reuse. The characterization of the wastewater and requirements for reuse will determine the treatment/purification requirements and thereby define the CAPEX and OPEX. This estimate of costs should be completed early in the process to determine if the reuse project has merit and is cost-effective.

All of Dynatec’s treatment and reuse systems employ membrane filtration because the properly selected membranes provide the best method of insuring the qualitative result desired and in almost every case they provide the most cost effective method of achieving the desired result.

Membrane selection is based upon wastewater characteristics and the desired recovered water quality requirements in the process in which the membranes are utilized.

With the above information, treatability work is typically conducted to define the treatment system requirements and design parameters.

Typical wastewater treatment/purification systems for reuse are as follows.

  • Purification of process baths/tanks for reuse typically using ultrafiltration
    • Cleaning tanks with contaminants removed employing Ultrafiltration
    • Scrubbers with contaminants removed employing Ultrafiltration
    • Vibratory metal finishing with contaminants removed employing Ultrafiltration
    • Any other employing UF and RO filtration to produce higher quality water for reuse
  • Recovery of specific components found in the wastewater
    • Precious metal recovery employing Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration and/or Reverse Osmosis
    • Latex paint recovery employing Ultrafiltration
    • Textile size separation and recovery
    • Others where removal of water allows concentration of the product to be recovered
  • MBR biological treatment for reuse in cooling towers, scrubbers and like type water users that do not require potable water or high-purity water
    • Food processing facilities where MBR permeate is used in cooling towers and scrubbers
    • Metal working facilities where MBR permeate is used in cooling towers and scrubbers
    • General manufacturing
  • MBR biological treatment followed by Nanofiltration or Reverse Osmosis
    • All types of manufacturing and food processing facilities where there is a requirement for higher purity water for reuse.

A Clear Look at Reuse Systems pdf






Ultrafiltration Removes Oil and Metals

Ultrafiltration removes oil and metals to allow the treated water to be acceptable for discharge for an automobile parts manufacturer.   A UF system was selected based upon its ability to consistently meet the discharge requirements without chemicals and with limited operator involvement.  This UF system removes oil and reduces zinc in compliance with discharge requirements.  

Ultrafiltration excels at the clarification of solutions containing suspended solids, bacteria and high concentrations of macromolecules, including oil thus making this an excellent solution to this problem.Ultrafiltration removes oil and metals

Ultrafiltration uses a membrane to separate suspended and colloidal materials in an aqueous phase.  It will normally separate everything that is not soluble and some larger macro molecules that are soluble.  Ultrafiltration uses a PVDF tubular membrane that is permeable to perform the separation.  One of the uses that demonstrates the usefulness of ultrafiltration is separation of oil in an emulsion from water.  In this case, machining coolant oil emulsions can have the oil separated and concentrated, with the water passing through the membrane, and the concentrated oil phase disposed.

Dynatec Systems industry-leading tubular ultrafiltration (UF) system is used to treat a broad range of industrial wastewater by separating insoluble components from waste streams. As a cost effective and simple solution for separating insoluble components and colloidal contaminants from a waste stream, wastewater UF offers significant advantages over conventional separation. It is a useful process that does not require chemicals or much space to separate insoluble contaminants.

UF is a pressure-driven process that removes the following from wastewater and other solutions:

  • Emulsified oils
  • Metal hydroxides
  • Colloids
  • Emulsions
  • Dispersed material
  • Suspended solids
  • Other large molecular-weight materials

Ultrafiltration systems are also capable of concentrating:

  • Bacteria
  • Some proteins
  • Some dyes
  • Colloidal or emulsified components

Ultrafiltration systems excels at the clarification of solutions containing:

  • Suspended solids
  • Bacteria
  • High concentrations of macromolecules including:
    • Oil and water
    • Fruit juice
    • Milk
    • Whey
    • Electro-coat paints
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Poly-vinyl alcohol and indigo
    • Potable water
    • Tertiary wastewater

Ultrafiltration offers the following advantages over conventional separation:

  • No chemical required
  • Very little labor required
  • Simple mechanical process
  • Less sludge
  • Ability to concentrate the retentate for beneficial use
  • Less space required
  • Overall lower operating costs

Tubular Configuration:

  • Higher permeate rate
  • Lower rates of fouling
  • Higher concentration of retentate
  • Easier to clean
  • Longer membrane life
  • Low operating cost

For more information on ultrafiltration systems to remove oil and metals, please contact us today.

PFAS Removal from wastewater

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, is a group of thousands of synthetic chemicals that were used for decades in the manufacturing of many consumer goods like waterproof clothing, non-stick pans, stain resistant fabrics, food packaging, and in industries like paper and cardboard manufacturing, metal plating, wire manufacturing, plastic manufacturing, and many other applications.

PFASS Removal from wastewater

While providing desired characteristics to the many products in which they were used, PFAS chemicals have been tied to various negative health effects. Also of concern is the fact that they are very stable and break down very slowly in nature. PFAS chemicals are found in the environment and in the bloodstreams of people all over the world.

Dynatec has provided systems to remove PFAS from industrial wastewater to customers across the country and has dozens of systems in operation. While there are other technologies in various stages of development, there are two proven technologies for removing PFAS from industrial wastewater: carbon and reverse osmosis (RO). Dynatec has used both granular activated carbon (GAC) and RO for PFAS removal and we can help with the selection of treatment technology for a given application.PFAS Removal - Reverse osmosis

Landfills are a major accumulation location for PFAS as most of the PFAS laden products ultimately end up there. As the leader in landfill leachate treatment, Dynatec Systems has vast experience in treating complex, high strength wastewater and removing PFAS from these wastewater streams. With discharge limits shrinking across the country to single digit parts per trillion (ppt) for some of the most common PFAS compounds like PFOS and PFOA, most of our customers have non-detect levels of nearly all of the tested PFAS chemicals, even where the raw wastewater or leachate has individual PFAS compound concentrations of 3,000 to 5,000ppt or more.

We can design a system to meet any discharge requirement.

Please contact us today to discuss your PFAS removal needs.

MBR Discharge and Reuse

High quality discharge and reuse from MBR – Cereal Plant

Since the plant produces a food product, ultimate water quality was vital. The two-stage membrane system (MBR + RO) and final sterilization with ultraviolet (UV) treatment provided the quality assurance that plant management required. In addition, the membranes used in the MBR system are external to the aeration basin and are tubular. This type of membrane is much less susceptible to failure than the immersed type.

This process combines aerated biological treatment with an out-of-basin ultrafiltration (UF) system. In combination with reverse osmosis treatment, Dynatec was able to provide the client with the necessary assurances that the water quality would not be compromised, and that the water would be suitable for process purposes, such as boiler feed water.

System Advantages:

The system provides many advantages for the operators and ownersMBR discharge and reuse
Redundant membrane skids for ease of operation and cleaning.
Simple automated cleaning operations with membranes in place
High mixed liquor concentration ensures lowest possible sludge production and requires smallest possible footprint
Simple, low maintenance system
Long-lasting tubular membranes with 0.03 μm membrane, ensuring removal of bacteria and viruses

The MBR configuration has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewaters when treatment efficiency is an important consideration.

The MBR is the ideal bioreactor configuration for treatment of organic or inorganic contaminants present in industrial wastewater treatment systems. MBRs operate at a higher efficiency while achieving consistent design performance objectives. This makes MBR a more cost effective method of industrial wastewater treatment when performance and tank requirements are considered.

Bioreactor systems such as the conventional activated sludge system, sequencing batch reactor system and trickling filters are typically designed for operation at a lower volumetric removal rate, requiring larger tanks and more space. These conventional systems often experience upsets that inhibit settling and therefore require much more operator attention than a membrane bioreactor.

The MBR has proven to be optimal for treatment of many industrial wastewater treatment systems because it is less susceptible to upsets. The MBR’s performance is not affected by changes in sludge settleability like the conventional systems, making MBR a wise choice for industrial systems that have more difficult to treat waste streams. Dynatec Systems has over 42 years experience in dealing with difficult to treat industrial wastewaters using membrane filtration.

Contact Dynatec Systems today to discuss your wastewater solution.

Fill out the form below and a Dynatec representative will contact you.